The Clips Widget is certainly one of the most popular features offered by -- it allows you to incorporate random clips of your Twitch channel right on your stream, to give your viewers some great entertainment of streams past while you step away from your computer... but are you getting the most of it by filtering your clips down to the ones you want? ## **Changing Your Filters** Let's start by navigating to your Widgets section and locating the **Random Channel Clips** widget. Click on the icon below in order to expand the options and reveal the available settings. ![Clip Settings]( From here, you can specify a handful of settings in order to be sure that only the best clips get shown! ##### **Only include clips before date...** This filter effectively adds a cut-off date to the clips that Seen searches. If this is enabled, no clips after this date will be included. ##### **Only include clips after date...** Some clips getting too outdated? This setting will ensure that Seen won't include any clips from before the specified date. ##### **Ignore clips below view count...** We get it... not all clips can be gold mines! If you enable this option you can prevent low-view clips from showing by simply setting the number of minimum views required. This helps filter out accidental or low quality clips! ##### **Clip Volume** This slider easily lets you control the volume that the clips are played at. ##### **Limit clips to current game** With this setting enabled, Seen will make sure to *only* show clips that match the current category of your Twitch channel. ##### **Show clip details** Enabling this will display clip details at the start of each clip, including the name of the game, the clip title, who clipped it, and on what date. ![Clip Details Example]( ##### **Show clip progress bar** This setting will cause a small white bar to appear along the bottom of each clip, showing how far along the current playback is. ![Progress bar + details example]( By employing a combination of all of the settings given to you here, you can be confident that the clips widget shows the best of you and your community, giving viewers a glimpse into past adventures and shenanigans!